
Table of Contents

Inria Bordeaux is organizing a school on high performance numerical simulation. It will take place at the Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest research center on November 4-8, 2019. It is a prace event and practical information can be retrieved here.

1. Objective

The school will aim at simulating a physical problem, from its modeling to its implementation in an high performance computing (HPC) framework. The school will offer both plenary courses and hands-on sessions. The physical problem considered will be the harmonic wave propagation.

The first day will be dedicated to the modeling of the problem and its discretization using a Discontinuous Galerkin scheme. The following two days will be dedicated to linear algebra for solving large sparse systems. Background on direct, iterative and hybrid methods for sparse linear systems will be discussed. Hands-on on related parallel solvers will then be proposed. Will follow a session dedicated to advanced parallelisation schemes using task-based paradigms, including a hands-on with the starpu runtime system. The ultimate hands-on session will be devoted to the use of parallel profiling tools. The school will be closed with plenary talks illustrating the usage of such a workflow in an industrial context.

2. Environment: getting set up for hands-on session

The hands-on session will be conducted on the Federative Platform for Research in Computer Science and Mathematics (plafrim) machine in a guix-hpc environment.

Here is all you need to get set up with plafrim and guix and how to further set up your python and slurm/mpi environments.

We'll use a pad to exchange information and facilitate bug fixing.

3. Program (classes and hands-on)

  • Monday afternoon:
    • 13:30 - 15:00 Class 1 on 1D modeling [Julien Diaz]
    • 15:00 - 15:30 Break
    • 15:30 - 16:30 Class 2 on 1D modeling [Julien Diaz]
    • 16:30 - 17:30 plafrim and slurm [Julien Lelaurain, François Rué] - guix-hpc [Ludovic Courtès]
  • Tuesday morning:
  • Tuesday afternoon:
    • 14:00 - 15:30 Class on 3D modeling [Julien Diaz]
    • 15:30 - 16:00 Break
    • 16:00 - 17:30 Class 1 on sparse linear solvers: Subspace Krylov Methods [Luc Giraud]
  • Wednesday morning:
  • Wednesday afternoon:
  • Thursday morning:
  • Thursday afternoon:
    • 14:00 - 17:30 Class and hands-on on runtime systems [Nathalie Furmento, Samuel Thibault]
  • Friday morning:
  • Friday afternoon: Industrial applications:
    • 14:00 - 17:00
      • airbus [Xavier Garnaud]
      • cea [Matthieu Lecouvez]
      • total [Pascal Hénon]

4. User guides and refcards

5. Back home

It's time to quit each other. We would like to thank you for having attended the school and we hope you enjoyed it as much you had pleasure sharing this week with you.

You may now wonder whether you can still reproduce the proposed experiments.

5.1. plafrim-hpcs

The machine dedicated for the school including you accesses will stay available during two weeks, but with a significantly reduced number of available compute nodes (from 30 down to 4).

5.2. plafrim

All the material supplied for the school will be made available on plafrim.

  1. You can access guix as for the school. You just need to set up the same guix environment as described above. The tutorials should work out of the box, including paths (we made a /home/hpcs-readonly/ repository available on the regular plafrim partition).

Tip: if you name plafrim-hpcs your plafrim alias as described in the set up section, you will not even have to change the ssh instructions provided in the tutorials.

5.3. Another supercomputer

5.3.1. Another supercomputer providing guix

You can reproduce all the experiments:

  1. Setting up the same guix environment as above;
  2. Copying plafrim-hpcs:/home/hpcs-readonly/

Does my supercomputer provide guix? See current deployments here.

5.3.2. Another supercomputer not providing guix

Have a look at this tutorial.

5.4. Your own laptop

You can install guix on your own machine. This is not required for the school but will allow you to have the exact same software environment on plafrim and your own laptop for instance. You have two options:

6. Context

  • Title of the school: High performance numerical simulation
  • Program Committee: Emmanuel Agullo (hiepacs), Héloïse Beaugendre (cardamom), Julien Diaz (magique-3d) and Anne-Laure Gautier (administrative support)
  • Period: 4/11/2019 - 8/11/2019
  • Deadline for subscription: May 1st 2019 (closed)
  • Location: Centre de recherche Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest, Ada Lovelace and Sophie Germain rooms
  • Expected number of attendees: 30
  • Language: English
  • Mixed tandems: applied mathematicians / computer scientists

7. Acknowledgments

We would like to express our sincere thanks to:

  • Gilles Marait (hiepacs) for his strong involvement in the overall preparation of the hands-on session.
  • all the speakers and hands-on animators: Ludovic Courtès (sed/guix-hpc), Nathalie Furmento (storm), Xavier Garnaud (airbus), Luc Giraud (hiepacs), Brice Goglin (tadaam), Pascal Hénon (total), Matthieu Lecouvez (cea), Julien Lelaurain (sed/plafrim), Mathieu Faverge (hiepacs), Pierre Ramet (hiepacs), François Rué (sed/plafrim), Samuel Thibault (storm), as well as the mumps team for sharing its material on direct methods.
  • the service d'expérimentation et de développement (sed) and the plafrim support for their hard work during the past year for preparing this event and making the hands-on session happen.
  • the service techniques et généraux (sg), the service d'informatique du centre (sic), the service d'affaires financières (saf) and the service des assistants d'équipe de recherche (saer) for providing us excellent conditions during the whole week, as well as the service de communication (comm) for popularizing it.
  • all the attendees for their great involvement in this school.
  • the scientific direction of Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest and Mario Ricchiutto for proposing us to organize this school.
  • cea, inria, prace and sysnum for sponsoring this event.

The program committee

Date: 4/11/2019 - 9/11/2019

Author: Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest

Created: 2021-06-10 Thu 18:01
