Table of Contents

The pedagogical objectives of the hands-on session are the following.

1. Clone and build hou10ni

1.1. Set up

Get connected to plafrim:

ssh plafrim-hpcs

We use the same guix environment as in the previous hands-on session.

1.2. Clone

Clone the hou10ni source code:

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/fuentes/hou10ni_school_2019.git
cd hou10ni_school_2019 
mkdir build
cd build

1.3. Build

Set up the required guix environment and build hou10ni:

guix environment --pure maphys --ad-hoc maphys pastix starpu vim -- /bin/bash --norc
cmake ..

Note: If a package is not found (such as starpu which is provided by guix-hpc but not guix core), make sure you have enabled the channels with the set up we viewed yesterday). The guix describe command allows you to check whether the three channels you wanted to set up are effectively enabled. The guix pull -l command retrieves the list (the history) of the set up you have used so far.

You can test the installation with the following command:


1.4. Preliminary execution on the frontal node (mistal01)

You can now run on the frontal node (mistral01) as follows:

mpirun -np 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_mumps.txt 
mpirun -np 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_maphys.txt 

We now exit the guix environment


All the runs in this hands-on session must be performed from within the build directory using the ./hou10ni_lite.out command (paths could be handled but not addressed in this hands-on).

1.5. Interactive execution on a computing node (miriel)

We can now try to perform an interactive execution on a computing node (miriel in the case of plafrim-hpcs). Let's first check out whether there are partitions with available (idle) compute nodes:

hpc up 8:00:00 1 drain* miriel007
hpc up 8:00:00 12 down* miriel[008-016,019,022,024]
hpc up 8:00:00 19 idle miriel[001-006,017-018,020-021,023,025-032]
sirocco up 10:00:00 1 drain sirocco06
mistral up 3-00:00:00 2 down* mistral[04,18]
mistral up 3-00:00:00 15 idle mistral[02-03,05-17]

In this case, there are 19 miriel nodes available on the hpc partition. We reserve (salloc) 1 node (-N 1) on that partition (-p hpc):

salloc -p hpc -N 1
salloc: Granted job allocation 426500

We can monitor the node that we got with squeue (restricting the view to our username with the - u option):

squeue -u $USER
426500 hpc bash hpcs-agu R 0:50 1 miriel023

We can directly connect to that node (where <XXX> shall be 023 in this example and has to be adapted to the value you obtained):

ssh miriel<XXX>

Let's see whether we can reproduce the previous execution:

cd hou10ni_school_2019/build
guix environment --pure maphys --ad-hoc maphys pastix starpu vim -- /bin/bash --norc
mpirun -np 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_mumps.txt 
mpirun -np 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_maphys.txt 

You can monitor the CPU and memory usage by opening a new terminal on your laptop:

ssh plafrim-hpcs
ssh miriel<XXX>

2. Visualization of the results (on your laptop)

hou10ni allows you to produce vtu files which can then be retrieved on your laptop and viewed with paraview. These files may take quite a large amount of disk, especially when running large test cases, and may fill the disk usage quota shared between all users.

Important: In the following, turns on vtu tracing only for a punctual experiment, and turn it off immediately after.

Set the parameter VTU to true in the param_simple_maphys.txt file and run

mpirun -np 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_maphys.txt 

once again.

From a terminal on your own laptop. Move to the directory into which you want to store the results and copy them from plafrim and visualize them with paraview (we assume you have already installed it):

scp  plafrim-hpcs:hou10ni_school_2019/build/FILM/Paramsol*vtu .
scp  plafrim-hpcs:hou10ni_school_2019/build/FILM/V*vtu .
paraview V.0001.pvtu
paraview Paramsol.pvtu
We assume here that hou10ni_school_2019 is in your home directory. If it is not the case, modify the path accordingly

3. Step 1: Scalability tests

Important: Do not forget to disable the output of vtu files in the parameter file.

Even more important: How many nodes did you reserve (-N option)? How many cores on those nodes? Do you think you are alone on your compute node (squeue). You may want to exit the allocation and reserve more tasks (with the -n salloc option) and/or make an exclusive reservation (--exclusive).

3.1. General test

In fortran, the time can be recorded thanks to:


where t1 is real, of kind dp.

Hence, if you want to time some part of code, this can be done through:

if (myrank.eq.0) then ! only on the master proc
end if
! [...]
! part of the code to be timed
! [...]
if (myrank.eq.0) then ! only on the master proc
write(6,*) "Computation time for part 1 is ", t2-t1
end if

In the main program lib/bin/hou10ni_lite.F90 Evaluate the time spent for:

  1. Initializing the problem (reading the data, reading and partionning the mesh)
  2. Construction the global matrix
  3. Solving the linear system

Check the scalability of the code by running param_simple_mumps.txt and param_simple_maphys.txt on 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 cores on miriel.

To see only the relevant lines, you may use the command

mpirun -np 4 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_maphys.txt | grep "Computation time"

3.2. Specific test

The lapack zgetrf double precision complex (z) general (ge) triangular (tr) factorization (f) routine is called by sub_defstiffmat_elastic_hybrid in lib/libmat/sub_defstiffmat_hybrid.F90. Propose and implement a way to evaluate the time spent in this routine for 2, 4 and 8 mpi threads.

3.3. Disabling OpenMP

Set the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to 1 thanks to the command


Run the scalability tests once again.

4. Step 2: Impact of the frequency

Enable the output of vtu files in the parameter file.

With paraview, compare the solution for \(\omega=0.5\) and \(\omega=5\), using elements of order 1, 3 and 5. Compare the computation time of the linear solver with mumps and maphys.

Only for \(\omega=5\). Set the p-adaptivity option equal to 1 and the maximal order to 10. To see the order of the elements, you can use paraview and visualize the degrees in paramsol. Compare the computation time of the linear solvers when using mumps and maphys.

5. Step 3: 2D heterogeneous domain

Copy the parameter files param_marmousi_mumps.txt and param_marmousi_maphys.txt in your build/ directory:

cp /home/hpcs-readonly/hou10ni-testcase/2D/param_marmousi_mumps.txt .
cp /home/hpcs-readonly/hou10ni-testcase/2D/param_marmousi_maphys.txt .

Compare the results obtained for \(\omega=1\) without p-adaptivity, \(p=1\) and with p-adaptivity with a maximal order of 10. Compare the computational time of mumps and maphys in the latter case.

You can see the various parameters using paraview on paramsol.

Compare the computational time for the two linear solvers for ω=1, 2, 5 and 10.

6. Step 4: Dump matrices to files (preparing the next hands-on session)

In order to prepare the next hands-on session, you can write the matrices into files. We'll use them tomorrow for further testing of sparse linear solvers.

This step is optional as we will provide pre-dumped matrices on plafrim-hpcs in the /home/hpcs-readonly/matrices/ repository.

The idea is here that you focus on a particular numerical (frequency, order, meshes, …) and computational (number of processes, …) onto which you would like to perform a more detailed performance analysis tomorrow depending on the sparse linear solver set up. You can do that with either the above 2D test cases or while playing with some below 3D test cases.

We explain below how to dump matrices with hou10ni. If you have your own application you want to play with, you can also load the matrices obtained with your application on plafrim-hpcs and we'll try to analyze them tomorrow.

hou10ni delegates the dump of the matrices to the underneath sparse linear solver. You can do it with the solver of your choice, maphys or mumps.

Important: Do not forget to disable the output matrices once you are done with your target matrices.

6.1. maphys

In your maphys conf_maphys.in input file, turn on the dump of matrices by changing the line:


Note that three files will be dumped per process (local matrix, local assembled right hand side and subdomain connectivity). The name of the files cannot be changed, so if you want to keep the matrices, create a new folder and put them inside.

For example, suppose you are working on a test case of your choice (numerical and computational set up) that you want to reference to as mymatofchoice1. After you have executed hou10ni in this set up with dump enabled, you can perform the following instructions:

mkdir maphys_mymatofchoice1
mv maphys_local_* maphys_mymatofchoice1/

6.2. mumps

In your houdini input file, turn on the dump of matrices by changing the line:

.FALSE. Do you want to output the matrices ? (.FALSE. or .TRUE.)


.TRUE. Do you want to output the matrices ? (.FALSE. or .TRUE.)

With mumps, dumping the matrices can be done similarly. The matrix will be stored in files global_mat.txt<pid> (where pid is the process id) and the right and side will be stored in a centralized way in global_mat.txt.rhs.

mkdir mumps_mymatofchoice2
mv global_mat* mumps_mymatofchoice2/

7. Step 5: 3D Domain

Copy the parameter files param_simple_3D_mumps.txt and param_simple_3D_maphys.txt in your build/ directory :

cp /home/hpcs-readonly/hou10ni-testcase/3D/param_simple_3D_mumps.txt .
cp /home/hpcs-readonly/hou10ni-testcase/3D/param_simple_3D_maphys.txt .

Compare the results obtained for ω=1 without p-adaptivity, p=1 and with p-adaptivity with a maximal order of 3 and 5.

Compare the computational time of mumps and maphys. Once again, you can write the matrices to files for the next hands-on session.

8. Step 6 : 3D domain on two nodes

Logout from your miriel node


You may have to exit twice (first to exit the guix environment, then the node).

8.1. Running on two nodes

Create a slurm batch file hou10ni.batch in the build directory

#SBATCH --time=03:59:00                                                         
#SBATCH -N 2                                                                    
#SBATCH -n 48                                                                   
#SBATCH -p hpc                                                                  
guix environment --pure maphys --ad-hoc maphys pastix starpu -- /bin/bash --norc
srun --mpi=pmi2  ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_3D_maphys.txt

Submit the job

sbatch hou10ni.batch

You can check the state of the job by


When the job is running, you will see the nodes on which it is submitted and monitor the job by

ssh miriel

8.2. Discussion about the batch file

Have a look at the batch file above? Do you think ./hou10ni_lite.out is running in a guix environment?

If you have a doubt, check out what's going on with the following code:

guix environment --pure --ad-hoc openmpi openssh
mpirun -n 2 ./hou10ni_lite.out < param_simple_mumps.txt 

Does it give you a hint? Read the output of ldd ./hou10ni_lite.out outside of your guix environment. Got it?

You may want to further read the slurm/mpi/guix tutorial.

8.3. Going further

You may want to prepare batch to run large test cases on a larger number of nodes. For the largest ones, you may want to batch at the end of the session only in order to avoid consuming too many resources while everybody is working actively on the hands-on. Do not produce vtu or matrix outputs for very large test cases.

Author: Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest

Created: 2021-06-10 Thu 18:01
